
Bronx Auto Glass

Some, like the family of 4 from White Plains NY only come to Hunts Point when the unfortunate occasion occurs that they have to replace a broken window.   Others, like the couple from Connecticut spent various days without a side window, waiting for the weekend in order to be able to get a deal in Hunts Point.   Regardless of where they hail, chances are that if they entered the peninsula through Hunts Point and Garrison Aves looking to get their car back to normal, Maze of Bronx Auto Glass probably flagged them down.  With 5 years experience standing on that corner, 6 days a week from 9-5PM, Maze is a recognizable fixture and an unofficial gatekeeper of the neighborhood.  “I know just about everybody, young and old”, he says from his curbside perch, “ I see most people going to work in the morning, and coming back home at night”. 

As a “car chaser”, it is Maze’s responsibility to stop dozens of cars daily, set up a deal to fix windshields, rearview windows, and shattered side glass, and obtain a customer before someone from the competition does it first.  Nelson, Maze’s brother and owner of Bronx Auto Glass and his crew of window technicians, Will and Ray, immediately get to work on giving customers quick and cheap service.  They know that if a car gets just a couple more yards away that that is one less opportunity to make a decent living.

Long perceived of as a nuisance in the community, the local auto glass industry has had to change many a broken glass in order to get the respect it currently gets.  “We have a great relationship with everyone, including the police, who sometimes even come to us for help”, says Maze.  Traditionally, the auto glass workers of the area were thought of as part of the problem of the neighborhood.  Rouge workers were thought to take advantage of locals by breaking and then fixing their car windows.  There is also the perception that certain individuals used the glass workshops as fronts for other car related crimes and drug selling. 

On two recent afternoons with the guys from Bronx Auto Glass, it was very apparent that the auto glass industry has been transformed much like the rest of the neighborhood, and is in fact a part of the wave of positive change that has taken place in the community in the past 10 years.  Much like the organization of non-profits and schools in the area attempting to make Hunts Point a better place to live, auto glass technicians are playing their part.  Although they compete for customers, they are mostly a loose team of family men who share a common goal – to provide good service to their constituents, enough so that folks come back or refer a friend.  If one team of workers can’t fix your car, they walk you over to who might be able to help.  “I take my job very seriously”, Maze said, “because at the end of the day I have to take care of my family.  Feeding them one window at a time keeps me out of trouble and the shop open.”

© 2010 Danny R Peralta

Bronx Auto Glass Images 

Nelson, Owner, Bronx Auto Glass.

Maze. Car Chaser, Bronx Auto Glass.
Rob. Car chaser, Bronx Auto Glass.

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T Parris

MC'ing like photography is about light and access - bringing to light viewpoints based on the authors access.  As the Yung Marvin Gaye, T Parris exemplifies these aspects as a MC. He takes his access of his Harlem upbringing and transforms it into something tangible and worth your listening pleasure. T is a family man and social worker, so instead of glorifying the realities of his surroundings, he funkily presents it to you and asks to you make what you will of it. His ultimate goal is to unite the underground rapper scene (from emo to conscious and hardcore to silly) through the music and live show experience. He exemplifies theartoflyrics @ every given chance. Much respect for letting me into your home T. Stay Harlem.
For more info:
http://www.datpiff.com/TParris_The_Unfinished_Message_Whats_Goin.m51791.html ( Free Mixcd For Download On Datpiff )
http://tweetmysong.com/members/yungmarvingaye/songs.htm ( Free Music To Download Via Twitter )
Location: Harlem, NYC USA


Rhino is that dude. The one who will say those things you hate you can't say. That dude that will make you laugh when you want to cry. That cat that your mom always told you to stay away from, and then one day you sat down with him and made fast friends with. And thats why I fusk with him. Why I call him a peer even though we create in different mediums. Although we have been building together for close to 5 years, its rare that I get to photograph him in a studio setting. This shoot was done last month to be used with his upcoming album, Irreconcilable Differences, a project with a distinct voice and long-lost 90's boombap sensibilities. Be on the lookout on your favorite late night radio show for songs that question worldly norms from god to the current state of NYC hip-hop. Note, by the time he's done, Rhino will hurt your feelings, but really, all of us need a good cry here and there. Stay subversive.

Info on Rhino 
Location: ICP @ THE POINT CDC, Bronx, NYC


What's up with the man they call Verse*all you ask? Is he a rapper? Is he a producer? Answer is Verse*all is both - regardless of what even he says! Debate aside, the consensus is that Verse*all is a monstrous mic technician & beat birthing machine that will keep your head nodding for days on end. Visionary and humble to the process of growth, he is the quintessential artist of music we should all know by heart and action. Much respect to this gentleman and scholar for not only the opportunity to shoot him in the process of crafting "Skin Deep" (Peace Tony Stanz and TME Studios!) but also for playing a pivotal role in THEARTOFLYRICS. Good looks. Stay fresh.
Location: TME Studios, Bronx, NYC, USA


It was an honor to be able to shoot Rebelmatic a couple of weeks back. There is something to be said about pushing the sound of music in the direction of truth and art. Creature, O, Stiks and Alkatraz are fearless of being themselves at a time where everyone is trying to be like the next head. Fuck the political pop sound, cop Prey for the Vulture and understand what im saying. Good looking for the opportunity gentlemen. Stay fresh.